Click the video below to watch Dr. Marcelo perform a dental extraction and learn how our talented staff and state of the art dental radiology help us provide the best possible care for your pet. We are pleased to offer to all of our patients at Meadow Branch Animal Hospital laser treatment, commonly known as photo-biomodulation treatment. The way a laser operates is by administering therapeutic dosages of light energy to injured tissues. As a result, the tissues begin to gently heat up and the blood vessels dilate, increasing the amount of blood flowing to the affected area. While eliminating waste, the increased blood flow helps to nourish injured cells. This will then start reducing swelling and hastening our patients' recovery. Among the numerous benefits of laser treatment is the ability to help patients with their arthritis, healing areas where fractures occurred, and hot spots.
Claire M. is one of our patients who is presently receiving laser treatment. She is a stunningly huge eight-year-old Great Dane with a history of spinal arthritis. Due to the treatment's therapeutic qualities, Claire began receiving it in April and has not needed to take any pain medication for the last six months. Claire is more animated overall and has returned to her usual antics, according to the owner. A 16-year-old Pug mix, named Ruca C, is another one of our little ones receiving laser treatment. Laser treatment is a fantastic treatment for patients of all shapes and sizes. Wilson is gladly demonstrating a post-operative surgical covering option for our patients. He was dressed by Holly, LVT in a bodysuit to optimize recovery of his surgical wounds. He is healing well and his owner, our own Dr. Melivilu, is happy.
Don't forget, Meadow Branch Animal Hospital we're happy to be able to provide the community with much needed veterinary urgent care services (by appointment). If your regular vet is booked and you have an urgent need for veterinary care give us a call. We'll get your fur baby taken care of ASAP and work with your regular vet for continuing care. One tasty chew, once a month, protects your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites.* We are excited to offer this new one-and-done product! If you would like more information, please call us at (540)450-8090. #oneanddone #heartwormprevention #fleaprevention #tickprevention #deworming *Annual negative heartworm test and physical exam are required. Dogs over 7-months-old must have been on a heartworm prevention product year-round.
Please note: Once our current stock of Heartgard Plus and NexGard are depleted, we will not be restocking at MBAH. These products (and other parasiticides and medications) are always available to purchase on our online pharmacy for home delivery! In order to minimize the spread of potentially contagious disease, we request that clients who have a pet with them please call the front desk, 540-450-8090, upon arrival. This will allow us to ensure we have an exam room ready for you and allows us to provide the best possible care for your pet while minimizing potential exposure to sick animals. If you do not have a pet with you, please feel free to proceed to our reception area for assistance.
If your pet suffers from noise aversion, now is the time to discuss options to help!*
(*Physical examination may be required to dispense medication) MBAH is now offering Solensia, an FDA-approved monoclonal antibody therapy, for treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms in cats. The treatment consists of 2 injections administered in-office 4 weeks apart. If you think that your cat is a potential candidate for this treatment, please complete this checklist and call us at 540-450-8090 to schedule an evaluation and consultation.