The veterinarians at Meadow Branch Animal Hospital identified Moe R., a domestic longhair cat who is 14 years old, as having diabetes. Moe receives insulin injections twice day, and his appetite and weight are monitored closely by is owners. Moe is taken to Meadow Branch Animal Hospital every six months for test work that is used to evaluate his health and make sure his insulin is being adjusted correctly. Following an insulin adjustment that was required a few months ago, Moe's owners say that he is eating well and is back to his playful self. Please read the information provided in the link below if you recently learned that a feline loved one has diabetes. Stop by for the Pet Adoption Fall Fest with Hampshire County Pet Adoption Program (HCPAP) and Dakota's Dream Animal Rescue today from 12:00-4:00pm! Proceeds from the event benefit HCPAP!